Exegesis Volume 07 Issue #077

In This Issue:

From: Patrice Guinard
Subject: [e] What to "consider" in your astrological practice? & WHY?

Exegesis Digest Mon, 09 Sep 2002

Date: Mon, 09 Sep 2002 11:07:25 +0200
From: Patrice Guinard
Subject: [e] What to "consider" in your astrological practice? & WHY?

What to "consider" in your astrological practice? & WHY? Tried to give my reasons in my 1993 thesis.

Concerning mid-points, parts & similar fanciful material, see my paper: The Solar System: What is a Planet in Astrology? http://cura.free.fr/18solsys.html

I've never found, for instance, a good reason to use mid-points, & will be glad to hear one.

I advocate a limited set of astrological operators:
6 (ou even 4) aspects (= 0, 90, (120?), 180, (120?), 90),
8 houses,
10 planets (including Pluto-Charon),
12 signs (tropical).

Aspects is a time-organized set, houses a space one (compass card), planets energy (see the 10 sefirots), & signs structure.
Time, Energy, Space & Structure are the "a priori" frameworks of perception, i.e. four "Inclusives" of Consciousness (see http://cura.free.fr/10domi1e.html) My idea is all that is the same Matrix, differently organized (in the psychic apparatus, if one), & it could justify the "rulerships" (Aries-Mars, Taurus-Uranus!, Leo-Sun, etc...)

The physical matter could be organized similarly: see for instance the 8 baryons set & the 10 baryons set in Paul Davies, The new physics, Cambridge University Press, 1989 & 1993.


 > >From: L:Smerillo
 > >Subject: [e] Re: exegesis Digest V7 #75
 > >
 > >Mes chers petits vernis, et Patrice!
 > >
 > >>Divinatory is a puerile and a futile practice of astrology.
 > >>
 > >>Horary is just placebo.
 > >
 > >Pithy. & spot on.
 > >
 > >>And the explanation of the astrological fact by Jungian synchronicity, is
 > >>affective, emotional, & a matter of imagination, i.e. a lazy explanation.
 > >
 > >Obviously, of course, apodictic; but one does have such a difficult time
 > >of explaining this to the obfuscating obdurate with their fastuous
 > >anopsia and Campbell's Jungfrau Soup pre-used in clanking rusty tin
 > >cans. Or their Warholian photocopies of lithographs of the same. La
 > >stessa zuppa o zucca riscaldata. uffa! They are the Ratzinger's of
 > >astrology. At their very, most absolute best, such are very bad poets,
 > >writing gibberish in blank verse. At their very, most absolute best.
 > >
 > >>>What would you think of an astrology with only houses
 > >>>and planets, major aspects with very narrow orbs and
 > >>>without sign degrees?
 > >>
 > >>The real way to investigate. In my opinion, there is no other astrology
 > >>that could be justified by reason.
 > >
 > >Scrap houses, eight or twelve, take four quadrants from two angles.
 > >
 > >Major aspects... hmmm, that would be 0, 11.15, 22.30, 33.45, 45, 56.15,
 > >67.30, 78.45, 90, 101.15, 112.30, 123.45, 135, 146.15, 157.30, 168.45,
 > >and 180, of course, would it not? The rest is foreplay in mirrors in the
 > >circus tent.
 > >
 > >And use:
 > >
 > >Midpoints.
 > >
 > >Planetary cycles, location location location.
 > >
 > >Supermidpoints.
 > >
 > >Sign degrees are a measurement system, not a reality; there are no real
 > >signs, still less degrees in the cosmos, only the mathematical
 > >approximations of distances transposed to eliptical line. Inches,
 > >centimetres.
 > >
 > >And all the other fixed star (idee fixe a la Brady and Rosenberg
 > >amateurs) and asteriod junk is flotsam floating from the Colacca Maxima
 > >Divina or Immobile.
 > >
 > >First REASON: local reality is very complicated: traditional,
 > >theosophical and divinatory astrology is simple-minded, simple simon is
 > >as simple simon does. It's a tiny shoe for a huge monster, local
 > >reality. You can not hang mountains from a spider's web of traditional
 > >gossamer tangle. Even from its Arabic parts, or private parts for that
 > >matter!
 > >
 > >Wissenschaft, gentlemen, Wissenschaft.
 > >
 > >feliciter,
 > >
 > >Lorenzo Smerillo
 > >


End of exegesis Digest V7 #77

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