Exegesis Volume 6 Issue #18

From: Alexandre
Subject: Re: Exegesis Digest V6 #17

Exegesis Digest Wed, 29 Aug 2001

Date: Sun, 26 Aug 2001 19:30:22 -0300
From: Alexandre
To: Exegesis
Subject: Re: Exegesis Digest V6 #17

Mr. Patrice wrote:

Original Message

 > From: patrice guinard
 > Subject: astro-statistics
 > My paper is polemic, but I would like to engage a discussion about the
 > argumentation, not the stating. My idea is that it may be an
 > astrological "explanation" for the partial failure of statistical
 > results for astrology.=20

 > The recent proliferation of astrology and its possible
 > introduction into university departments brings with it the risk
 > that astrology may be aligned along the present
 > technico-scientific paradigm, which would denature it without
 > transfiguring it. Kepler, who defended an experimental conception
 > of astrology -- and despite whatever one might think of his
 > minimalist model -- had a matrix-based vision of reality,
 > particularly in regard to astronomy (cosmic harmony, eurhythmy of
 > the planetary spheres, a weighted organization of the aspects,
 > structural coherence ...), a standpoint which seems completely
 > foreign to the conceptual framework of current investigators.
 > Astrology needs a language and its own space, not
 > "confirmations"; it needs concepts, not "facts."

There is a "ditto" in statistics that say : "If you torture the data enough it'll confess." In my point of view , the main problem in the use of the statistic in the astrological field is the amount of the sample, as a complex issue the astrological phenomenon, is almost impossible to collect data to make a reliable study.

On the other hand, could anyone explain or clarifying what does mean the Kepler minimalist model? in my first post I advocate to use one of the five regular polyhedrons, the octahedron specifically, as a support to help model the astral influence, but , as a matter of fact, I think the best solid to use as a model , would be one of the fourth dimension, with the shadows on the third dimension springing the five Platonic solids, I really don't know if it's possible to do that, but I have been searching. In the mean time, I'm still working with the octahedron, with have the form of our head, so I can speculate what happens inside our head using the analogies with the attribute( astrological, tarot cards, geometrical etc...) I have assign to the elements of the octahedron.

Alexandre Weber


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